Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Installation Banquet

51st Annual Installation Banquet
Thursday, June 25th, 2009
Come join us to bid “adieu” and thank our outgoing officers and directors. Be there to welcome our new leaders and extend a helping hand.

The Covington-Tipton County Chamber of Commerce Installation Banquet will be held Thursday, June 25th, 2009 at the Chamber Center on the Covington Square. Cocktails at 5:30 pm, Call to order 6:00 pm (Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance) and Dinner at 6:15.

Come join us as we thank our outgoing Officers and Directors and to welcome the new board. Executive Director Jeff Huffman will install the new Officers and Directors.

Dinner buffet will include pork tenderloin, drunken chicken, green beans, cheesy potatoes, rolls, and lemon icebox cake prepared by C.W. & Lou’s Catering.

The attire is business casual (please no blue jeans). Call Paige, Janie or Lee for advanced registration (476-9727). Invite prospective Chamber Members, friends and family to join your table-maximum of 8 per table. Submit payment and coupon below prior to 12th of June. (Checks payable to Covington-Tipton County Chamber of Commerce)

Tickets for the event are $30.00 per person or $240.00 per table. We are offering members the opportunity to sponsor the table arrangements for $50.00 each table. With your sponsorship you will receive an arrangement and recognition on table.

101 West Court Square Thursday, June 25
Cocktails begin at 6 pm Dinner begins at 6:15

Reservations for
CTCCC Installation Banquet

Name: ______________________________________________ Ph#: ___________________

I would like to reserve: ___________ tickets __________table __________ table arrangement

Mail coupon with check to CTCCC, PO Box 683, Covington, TN 3019
For questions please call 475-9727
$30.00 per person-Checks payable to Covington-Tipton County Chamber of Commerce

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